Rabu, 17 April 2013



Singular Nouns adalah kata benda tunggal. Singular nouns digunakan untuk menunjukkan suatu benda yang berjumlah tunggal atau satu, misalnya: a computer, a chair, a train, a player, a teacher, a taxi, etc.

Singular nouns umumnya disertai determiners (a/an, this, that, the), misalnya: a river, a castle, an idea, this book, the man, etc.

Kata benda tunggal dalam kalimat harus memakai kata kerja tunggal. Sedangkan kata benda jamak harus menggunakan kata kerja jamak.

Ex :

This car is expensive ( Mobil ini mahal )
Car adalah bentuk tunggal dan memakai is

These cars are expensive ( Mobil – mobil ini mahal )
Cars bentuk jamak dan memakai are


Plural Nouns adalah kata benda jamak. Pada umumnya kata benda jamak dibentuk dengan menambahkan –s atau –es pada kata benda tunggal (misalnya: boats, bats, houses, rivers, cakes, classes, boys, girls, etc. )  dengan beberapa terkecualian.

Dibawah ini merupakan cara membentuk kata benda jamak :

Ø  Dengan menambahkan –s, -es  pada kata benda tunggal
Tunggal                       Jamak
Bamboo                       Bamboos
Hand                           Hands
Glass                           Glasses
Box                             Boxes
Tomato                        tomatoes

Ø  Dengan mengubah y menjadi i lalu ditambah –es, jika y didahului oleh sebuah huruf yang bukan vokal
Tunggal                       Jamak
Baby                            Babies
Fly                               Flies
Duty                            Duties
Copy                           Copies

Ex : ( Days , keys , toys , plays, monkeys . etc. ) . Namu jika kata benda yg berakhiran –quy pembentukan jamaknya dengan mengubah y menjadi i lalu ditambah –es karena qu = kw dianggap sebagai huruf mati ganda. Ex : ( colloquy ==
colloquies )

Note : Jika y didahului oleh huruf vokal maka hanya menambahkan –s saja.
Ø  Dengan mengubah –f atau –fe menjadi ves :
Calf  => calves
Half => halves
Loaf => loaves
Thief => thieves

Note : akan tetapi jika kata benda yg berakhiran –f dibawah ini hanya dengan menambah –s saja.
Tunggal                       Jamak
Hoof                            hoofs
Chief                           Chiefs
 Reef                           Reefs
cliff                             cliffs
chief                            chiefs
gulf                              gulfs
roof                             roofs
proof                           proofs
dwarf                          dwarfs
scarf                            scarfs
wharf                           wharfs
turf                              turfs
grief                             griefs
file                               files
safe                              safes
strife                            strifes

sumber : English Grammer Edisi Revisi 1996

Senin, 15 April 2013



KELAS/NPM       : 3EB15/ 22210355

TOEFL EXERCISE ( Skill 1-3 ) : Choose the letter of the underlined word or group of words that is not correct.

1.         Nobody (A) know when the (B) process of glass-making (C) was (D) inveted.

The incorrect answer is (A) know, because the subject “nobody” is singular, so we must add s to the “know” become “knows”. I think the correct sentence is Nobody knows the procces of glass-making was invented.

2.   The languages of the world (A) presents a vast (B) array of structural (C) similarities and (D) differences.

The incorrect answer is (A) presents, because the subject “the languages of the world” is plural, so we must omit of the -s from “presents”. And the correct sentence is The languages of the world present a vast array of structural similarities and difference.

3.         The rise of multinationals (A) have (B) resulted in a great deal of legal ambiguity because multinationals (C) can (D) operate in so many juridictions.

The incorrect answer is (A) have, because the subject “ The rise of multinationals” is singular,  then the correct answer is “has” not “have”
I think the correct sentence is The rise of multinationals has resulted in a great deal of legal ambiguity because multinationals can operate in so many juridictions. 

4.       All of the east-west interstate highways in the United States (A) has even (B) numbers, while north-south interstate highways (C) are (D) odd-numbered.

The incorrect answer is (A) has, because the subject “all of the east-west interstate highways in the United States” is plural, and the correct answer is “have” not “has”
The correct sentence is All of the east-west interstate highways in the United States have even numbers, while north-south interstate highways are odd-numbered.

5.         (A) When a massive star in the large Magellanic Cloud (B) exploded in 1987, a wave of neutrinos (C) were (D) detected on Earth.

The incorrect answer is (C) were, because the subject “a wave of neutrinos” is singular, then we should use “was” not “were”
The correct sentence is When a massive star in the large Magellanic Cloud exploded in 1987, a wave of neutrinos was detected on Earth.

6.         Every open space in the (A) targeted area that (B) has grass and few bushes (C) are (D) occupied by the white-crowned sparrow.

The incorrect answer is (C) are, because the subject is singular, so we must replace “are” with "is".
The correct sentence is Every open space in the targeted area that has grass and few bushes is occupied by the white-crowned sparrow.

7.         Krakataoa (A) is remembered as the volcano that (B) put so much ash into the air that sunsets around the world (C) was affected for two years (D) afterward.

The incorrect answer is (B) put, because the subject is singular, so we must add -s to “put” become “puts”.
The correct sentence is Krakataoa is remembered as the volcano that puts so much ash into the air that sunsets around the world was affected for two years afterward.

8.         The term “Yankee” (A) was originally a nickname for people from New England, but now anyone from the United States (B) are (C) reffered (D) to as a Yankee.

The incorrect answer is (B) are, because the subject “anyone from the United States” is singular, so we must replace “are” with “is”.
The correct sentence is the term “Yankee” was originally a nickname for people from New England, but now anyone from the United States is reffered to as a Yankee.

9.         A network of small arteries, mostly (A) sandwiched between the skin and the (B) underlying muscles, (C) supply (D) blood to the face and scalp.

The incorrect answer is (C) supply, because the subject is singular, so we must add –s/-es to the “supply  become “supplies”.
The correct sentence is a network of small arteries, mostly sandwiched beetween the skin and the underlying muscles, supplies blood to the face and scalp”.

10.     Mesquite (A) is a (B) small tree in the Southwest (C) who can (D) withstand the severest drought.

The incorrect answer is (C) who, because the subject is a thing not human, so we must replace “who” with “which” or “that”.
The correct sentence is mesquite is a small tree in Southwest which/that can withstand the severest drought.